Welcome! If you would like to know how to make your own Visco style firework fuse and build a model like the one below then please read on!
(psst! - Want an even easier build? then be sure to check out the Easy Visco Machine Mk. 2! Link to the right ->)
This eBook provides detailed instructions as well as specially made diagrams to help you make your own visco style fuse machine like the one featured on this site.
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The sale will be delivered securely by Payhip, once payment is complete you will be emailed receipt confirmation and provided with your unique download details - to buy with confidence just click the "Buy now" button below!
All of the information you need to make your own Visco machine is right here in one place! All of the details have been brought together in this comprehensive guide.
Click on the pictures below to enlarge the first two pages of the eBook (includes materials list).

There are plenty of pictures and videos on this site of both this Visco machine and the fuse it makes. Please feel free to see for yourself the simplicity of the design and the quality of fuse by clicking here.
All fireworks carry some level of risk but having a safe and reliable fuse greatly reduces the chances of damage or injury. That’s why it’s so important to have a fuse you can trust!
There are many Visco machine designs out there which work beautifully, but unless you’ve got access to a workshop and a fair amount of technical knowledge these devices might be beyond the fabrication skills of most beginners and tend to put people off - that's where this design is different!
Please click on the thumbnail images below to see a sample of the images used in the eBook.
As I’ve said, “All fireworks carry some level of risk” and that’s why it’s important that you take all necessary safety precautions – including reading this eBook’s disclaimer (which is included in the eBook), available under "Pages" (top right) or by clicking here.
Please click on the thumbnail images below to see a sample of the images used in the eBook.
As a pyrotechnic enthusiast wanting to make your own Visco machine you’ll most likely want something that is:
- Compact, and so easily stored.
- Easy to construct.
- Cheap to build.
- Easy to operate.
- Quiet.
- Can produce small to medium lengths of fuse easily and quickly.
- Hand powered – reducing complexity, cost (both of materials and in operation) and noise.
This in turn would need to produce a fuse that:
- Has a consistent burn rate.
- Is reliable – i.e. it will continue to burn in confined spaces, such as the exhaust port of a rocket nozzle.
- Can be waterproofed.
- Will be strong enough to withstand pyrotechnic charges (such as those in lift charges and break charges) but still be flexible enough to cope with a certain amount of manipulation.
This eBook details the construction and use of a design which fulfills all of the above requirements for both the machine and the fuse it produces!
The finished machine looks simple, and to be fair, that’s the point! It took a long time to make a model which would meet the criteria listed above yet be as simple as possible and use readily available materials.
The finished machine looks simple, and to be fair, that’s the point! It took a long time to make a model which would meet the criteria listed above yet be as simple as possible and use readily available materials.
The less complicated a system the less there is to go wrong with it, and anyone who has battled the trial and error of getting a Visco machine to work will testify that the fewer times you have to thread the “Dies” the better!
There are many good reasons for making your own fuse, such as:
- After the initial cost of materials, production of homemade fuse is often much cheaper than buying fuse.
- You can tailor the fuse to the specific requirements you have for a given application i.e. burn rate, fuse dimensions etc.
- You can have fuse “on tap” whenever you want it.
- Having the satisfaction of making the fuse yourself – after all, the whole reason you’re making fireworks in the first place instead of buying them (fuse and all) is because you appreciate having put in the effort to understand the processes and get it right for yourself.
This design produces a Visco style fuse which has its nitrocellulose lacquer applied in a separate process, as described on the page Nitrocellulose lacquer - coating your fuse.
This design easily produces fuse at the rate of 3 feet per minute and the fuse itself has a diameter of 2mm and can achieve a consistent burn rate of 0.7cm/sec, even underwater! Not bad for a machine that you can easily make in a few hours for under £20!
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